• What is (s-4)
(S-4) is the strongest of the Xarm drugs in terms of androgenic properties and the least structurally, and it is also one of the most effective drugs that helps in losing stubborn fat in the abdominal and visceral area. Exarm (S-4) fat burning cycles are very popular among bodybuilders and gym enthusiasts to reduce body fat and increase energy. This selective androgen receptor modulator is ideal for creating lean muscle mass while losing body fat. It is used to treat osteoporosis and muscle wasting diseases, and it is very versatile and can be used in burning cycles, muscle formation, or muscle amplification.
• Benefits of (S-4)
1. Elastic strength performance
2. Increases the strength of the impact
3. Increases bone strength and density
4. Better choice of losing infrastructure at the same time
5. Choose from the enzyme lipoprotein lipase, which is the enzyme responsible for a large body
6. Helps improve flexibility during the overall burn phase.
7. It is prevented from entering the body in a complex way
8. It helps in eliminating oxidation from the body when users use an assortment of the best thermogenic herbs.
9. It does not cause aromatization or gynecomastia in men
10. It does not lead to the development of masculine characteristics in women.
• How to use (S-4)?
o Course duration
It is best used in cycles of 8-12 weeks by men and 6-8 weeks by women but this can vary according to personal preferences and cycle requirements.
ü Dosage for men
The recommended dose for LAS-4 is 50 mg every day, preferably taken 30-40 minutes before exercise and after meals in an 8-12 week cycle. S-4 can be taken up to 100 mg daily, but there can be temporary vision problems if taken at a higher dose. Therefore, it is recommended to increase the dose gradually.
ü Women’s dosage
ü 30-40 minutes before exercise